Milk Pasteurization Process Suppliers

There are several ways to pasteurize milk. However, the most common Milk Pasteurization Process is High-Temperature Short Time or HTST pasteurization. It is also known as flash pasteurization which involved heating milk to 71.7° C to eliminate all the pathogenic microorganisms present in the milk, even the ones which are highly heat resistant. Let’s take a look at how it works.

How To Pasteurize Milk?

  • Chilled milk is taken from the storage tank and is heated at the regenerative heating section. The temperature is raised to 40° C to ensure easy standardization.
  • Heating is continued till the temperature reaches 60° C which is an optimum mark for homogenization of the fat globules.
  • After all these procedures, milk is passed through the heating section to exchange heat with steam across the PHE plates.
  • Milk reaches a temperature of 72° C, which is the pasteurization temperature.
  • The pasteurized milk is then transferred to the cooling section which again lowers its temperature to 4° C.

These are the essential Steps Of Milk Pasteurization and there might be other ways to go about it. If you also want to Pasteurize Milk in your facility, Process Engineers And Associates have the right equipment for it. Get in touch with us to know more about our products.

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